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Vispārīgie iepirkuma nosacījumi (VIN)

SIA Avesco veic pasūtījumus pie piegādātājam, pamatojoties uz šiem iepirkuma nosacījumiem. Šie nosacījumi tiek uzskatīti par saskaņotiem pat tad, ja piegādātājs apstiprina un izpilda pasūtījumu, atsaucoties uz viņa piegādes noteikumiem. Tāpēc vispārējie līguma vai piegādes nosacījumi, ko mums nosūtījis piegādātājs vai viņa norādītais piegādātājs, ir spēkā neesoši, ja vien mēs tos neesam rakstiski atzinuši. Tas ir piemērots arī gadījumā, ja SIA Avesco vēlāk pieņem piegādes un veic maksājumus. Klusēšana nekādā ziņā nenozīmē vienošanos.


General Purchasing Conditions (Latvia)

UAB Avesco Lithuania places orders with the supplier on the basis of these purchasing conditions. These conditions are considered as agreed even if the supplier confirms and executes the order with reference to his conditions of delivery.The general conditions of contract or delivery sent to us by the supplier orreferenced by him are therefore invalid unless acknowledged by us in writing.This shall also apply in the event that UAB Avesco Lithuania subsequently accepts deliveries and makes payments. Silence does not by any means imply agreement.

General Purchasing Conditions (pdf)

OÜ Avesco places orders with the supplier on the basis of these purchasing conditions. These conditions are considered as agreed even if the supplier confirms and executes the order with reference to his conditions of delivery.The general conditions of contract or delivery sent to us by the supplier orreferenced by him are therefore invalid unless acknowledged by us in writing.This shall also apply in the event that OÜ Avesco subsequently accepts deliveries and makes payments. Silence does not by any means imply agreement.

General Purchasing Conditions (pdf)

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